Monday, January 21, 2008

No Parking on campus!!!!

Since I've graduated college, I figured I'd never go back to school. Strangely enough, last tuesday I was trolling around, registering for a class, and talking to a communications department adviser. Yep. I'm going to try to use some of the credits I have towards a communications degree with a concentration in video. Watch out J.J. Abrams!!! :)

I honestly have no clue where these courses will lead me. The decision came after talking to the many editors at my company (Avid), and hearing their horror stories + other amazing tales of editing experiences. It's strange but not surprising how every bad story seemed to result from some miscommunication between the editor and their customer. In the end, each editor loved what they did and could not end the day without editing a video project. I've tested the main editing software, called Media Composer, for 6 months, and I've can see why they enjoy editing so much.

I've only been to one class, but I've realized if someone gave me a book and asked that it be translated to video, I'd give them a goofy stare and wouldn't know where to begin. I hope to learn and get past the painful first steps of speaking through video and reach my coworkers level of artistry in editing.

Now I still love photography, and Fitchburg State is awesome for encouraging me to take other communications courses. After I rack up a decent amount of video classes, I'll be taking a stab at learning their take on photography.

After registering and signing up for a class, I kept having to check my car to make sure I dodged getting a parking ticket until I got my parking pass. The 'no parking' signs posted about the perimeter of the campus dimmed the energy I gathered from walking around the Fitchburg state youngsters buzzing about their classes.

1 comment:

  1. Are you the same Ruben that worked part time for Gotuit in 2006 & 2007? If so please contact me as I have a tax form for you.
